Vote #1
Mark Arnott

Standing for strong, considered decision-making in our city.

Mark Arnott
Your vote for change.

I stand for strong, considered decision-making for our city.

For the past 36 years, I’ve been proud to call Palmerston North home. I love the Mighty Manawatu, that’s why my signs are Green, its our colour…however, serious change is needed in our city.

Having received tremendous support from residents and local communities while in business locally for 21 years, this election is my opportunity to give back. I provide sound business expertise and capability with a focus on transparency, accountability and infrastructure.

Palmerston North requires strong, business leadership.

Voting #1 for Mark Arnott brings these qualities to the table.


Core Focus
Policies Overview

  1. NO to Three Waters, we need to keep hold of our Council assets.

  2. Limiting rates rises…times are tough, lets not make them even tougher for our citizens.

  3. Potholes and infrastructure improvements with accountability on spending and results.

  4. Measures ensuring project budgets are fixed and necessary (for example $7M+ on a replacement dog pound is questionable value for money compared to refurbishment of our existing Pound)

  5. Working with Police and communities to curb antisocial behaviour, ensuring a safer CBD & neighborhoods. Where has the respect, pride and purpose gone Palmerston North.

  6. Attracting business to the Manawatu & supporting our local business.

  7. Creating stronger ties with our local Defense bases.

  8. Faster & easier to obtain Building consents.

  9. Open and transparent council is the way forward. Doors should be open not closed.

  10. lobbying Central Government for more Police & Fire resources.




Watch the full Local Focus interview for Mark Arnott's views on the city's biggest issues, and our less important quickfire questions…

16 - 21 Sep 2022

Voting papers delivered

16 Sep - 8 Oct 2022

Voting opens

Vote for change